Beyond The Natural Foundation (BTNF) summer camp provides high-dosage enrichment programming where youth get to learn positive ways to express themselves through music and visual art, collaborate on projects creating community, enhance their critical thinking and writing skills, and decrease summer learning loss. Youth grow musically by learning Songwriting, Beat Making, Music Production, Piano, Drumming and Vocal Performance while exploring the fundamental aspects of rhythm and harmony.
This year we will be exploring Music and Nature in our partnership with Stillmeadow Community Church, our summer camp site, Stillmeadow Community Projects and their Silviculture Program. Stillmeadow Community Fellowship Church is the owner of 10 acres of forest land and a stream known as the Stillmeadow Community PeacePark. The Church and its forest are situated in the heart of the Beechfield and Irvington neighborhoods in southwest Baltimore City, Maryland.
Throughout the country, the presence and health of forests in cities has been identified as key to the resilience of communities and ecosystems, and a critical component of public health, environmental justice, and a healthy childhood experience.
We are excited about this summer camp experience because our youth will use music to develop their creativity while immersing themselves in nature…the most creative space off all time. In tandem with using nature as a living classroom space for music arts enrichment, kids will become inspired to reengage their environment with great care as they learn the power of the ecosystem that they live in. From writing songs about protecting our environment, to making instruments out of environmental objects, to sampling nature sounds and composing music with them, this will truly be a creative adventure! REGISTRATION OPENS MARCH 15th!